Tesяfkǝm: A Constructed Language (S11)


Tesяfkǝm is a constructed human language. It contains only intransitive verbs (you might call them postpositions), nouns, and particles. Clauses are composed by serial verb construction (SVC) of noun-verb compounds. The morphology is agglutinative in nature, probably to the extent of qualifying as polysynthetic, that's not yet decided.


Tesяfkǝm is an artificial human language with the following properties:

  • a-priori: not derived from any other language
  • open case system / no case system: the verbs are the case endings, meaning all verbs are intransitive
  • syntax: head-last, OV, serial verb constructions, topic before comment.
  • morphology: head-last, compounding(?), derivation, suffixes only.
  • agglutinative / polysynthetic(?) (not yet decided)
  • most morphemes are either affixes or clitics. Basically, only nouns start new words.
  • alienable vs. inalienable possession distinction
  • mood/evidence, speech act, and aspect are mandatory, most other categories are optional
  • self-segregating phonology/morphology
  • LALR(1) parsable syntax, i.e., there is a bison grammar
  • only one open lexical class: nouns and verbs are distinguished in morphology, but each noun is usable as a verb and vice versa, so there is only one lexicon entry for a noun/verb pair.

While my previous languages where mostly regular, with some occasional complex phonetic rules in Qþyn|gài triggered by 'hidden phonemes', Tesяfkǝm contains irregular construct states of nouns and quite an amount of complex harmony and sandhi rules, which are regular, but still complex.

October 28th, 2007
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.