Ring N/X: 5/11: Darynese Leg

Rebecca Harbison
[ Relay 11 | Ring E | Ring N/X | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Darynese Leg | Smooth English | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Darynese Leg

Raezi yiril-zasturile-zusaibyredu

Ninaose-saibetre-ram eoba-ram aobakaez-ram baiyeonyaera. Ipuranyaekao. Kebeni aoba lasenyaera. Aobetre teoropa-nyeonyaeram.

Rarurile-zusai dataenyaera. Nyaram, yemi-ram alanyon-ram alumbe-ram luminaine-aobakaez baiyeonyaera.

Aobetre raozraenyaera. Nyaram, trebaor-ram aner-taoze-eopi yemi-kul-raezinyaera. Al-trebaor aoma-airil-traerenyaera.

Zusai rebaor-treor-nyeonyaera. Rebaor bin-nyin-bairymsanyaera. Nyaram, tura-treor-rarunyaera. Nyirbol-ram-rubol-ram-menyaekao alyeru. Kebeni, raruril-utaopinyaera.

Smooth Translation

To Make Good-tasting Meat-bread

Mix ground grain, vegetable oil and salt. If you need to, add water. Set the dough aside.

Cut cooked meat and mix it, onions, spices, and a bit of salt.

Knead the dough and make it large-seed-sized and spherical. Flatten the balls by hand.

Put the meat on the circles. Fold the circles in half and bake in the oven. If the circles are yellow-brown, stop baking.


Raezi yiril-zasturile-zusaibyredu
Raezi yiril-zastu-ril-e-zusai-byredu
To Make Good-tasting Meat-bread

Ninaose-saibetre-ram eoba-ram aobakaez-ram baiyeonyaera.
Ninaos-e-saibetre-ram eoba-ram aobakaez-ram baiyeo-nyaera.
Mix ground grain, vegetable oil and salt.

Ipuranyaekao. Kebeni aoba lasenyaera.
Ipura-nyae-kao. Kebeni aoba lase-nyaera.
If you need to, add water.

Aobetre teoropa-nyeonyaeram.
Aobetre teoropa-nyeo-nyaeram.
Set the dough aside.

Rarurile-zusai dataenyaera. Nyaram, yemi-ram alanyon-ram alumbe-ram
Raru-ril-e-zusai datae-nyaera. Nyaram, yemi-ram al-anyon-ram al-lumbe-ram
Cut cooked meat and mix it, onions, spices,

luminaine-aobakaez baiyeonyaera.
luminain-e-aobakaez baiyeo-nyaera.
and a bit of salt.

Aobetre raozraenyaera. Nyaram, trebaor-ram aner-taoze-eopi
Aobetre raozrae-nyaera. Nyaram, trebaor-ram aner-taoz-e-eopi
Knead the dough and make it large-seed-sized and

yemi-kul-raezinyaera. Al-trebaor aoma-airil-traerenyaera.
yemi-kul-raezi-nyaera. Al-trebaor aoma-ai-ril-traere-nyaera.
spherical. Flatten the balls by hand.

Zusai rebaor-treor-nyeonyaera. Rebaor bin-nyin-bairymsanyaera.
Zusai rebaor-treor-nyeo-nyaera. Rebaor bin-nyin-bairymsa-nyaera.
Put the meat on the circles. Fold the circles in half

Nyaram, tura-treor-rarunyaera. Nyirbol-ram-rubol-ram-menyaekao alyeru.
Nyaram, tura-treor-raru-nyaera. Nyirbol-ram-rubol-ram-me-nyae-kao alyeru.
and bake in the oven. If the circles are yellow-brown,

Kebeni, raruril-utaopinyaera.
Kebeni, raru-ril-utaopi-nyaera.
stop baking.


The overall syntax of Darynse is SVO. The verbs are conjugated based on politeness level and evidentiality -- only the authoritative positive (-nyae) is used here. The imperative tense (-nyaera) is also used heavily -- in cases where it is used multiple times, or in which the subject is indefinite, the subject may be understood.

The suffix -ril is used to turn a verb into a participle. This also can be used to make compound verbs, identifying clauses, or occasionally adjectives.

To create a conditional sentence, the suffix -kao is attached to the end of the verb statingthe condition. The next sentence must begin with kebeni (because of this).

Adjectives and adverbs proceed the word they modify, and change ending to match the gender of the noun. Darynese has ten genders. Only one (object (-e)) is used in this text. Adverbs are left in the root forms. Note that these rules are also used on participles. A noun is pluralized by attaching /al-/ to it as a prefix. An indirect object is indicated by the suffix -kul and is usually attached to the verb.


ai do
aner- the size of, -sized
alyeru third person plural object
anyon onion (borrowed from English)
aoba water
aobakaez salt
aobetre dough, paste (in a cooking context)
aoma hand
bairymsa to fold
baiyeo mix, blend, place together
bin-nyin half
byredu bread (borrowed from English)
datae to cut, to slice
eoba vegetable oil
eopi seed
ipura to need, to require
kebeni because of this. See grammar notes.
lase to add
lumbe herb, spice
luminain a bit of, a pinch of
me to describe, to be
ninaos ground, powdered
nyaram and (used to join clauses)
nyeo to put, to place, to set
nyirbol brown
raezi to make, to prepare (food)
-ram and (used to join nouns)
raozrae to mold with hands, to knead
raru to bake, to cook
rebaor circle
rubol yellow
saibetre grain
taoz large
teoropa elsewhere, not here
traere flatten
trebaor balls, spheres
tura oven (usually for pottery, but also used in foreign cooking)
utaopi to stop
yemi third person singular pronoun (object)
yiril good, well
zastu to taste
zusai meat

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June 14th, 2005
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.