Ring E: 4/22: Khangaþyagon

Peter Bleackley
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[ Khangaþyagon | Smooth English | CXS | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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naz darido trefkbœshir

apelt ye mœshu yilmutoumb hime'utomb beb sluvutomb beb gla'utomb beb selda'utomb. ampelt ye enil zhelam dirsam. sketelt ye trefk daridosht beb mulli terekartar beb glaart tilart akakhar singakhar.

apelt ye mœshu rallakhar mæbart klopuz.

salaapelt ye rallar nazilip u irrulvlantir yir beb wiþing yir mæb etniuz.

ampelt ye rallar trefkwoldoshtutomb enebgriamar irrulebgriamar suebgriamar.

ampelt ye en irrul enebgriamar irrulebgriamar suebgriamar, beb mezzalampelt ye yir,

ampelt ye enilar þorgaipam, beb daridelt ye yir halbanebam u illuntshiavlantifœr yir. halbanut yarudahikhar trefkbœshir treshouf.

Smooth Translation

The way to make meat pastries.

Make a dough composed of white flour and oil and salt and water. Put this in another place. Cut the cooked meat and the onion, with spices and a little salt, into small pieces.

Make the dough into balls the size of a nut.

Flatten the balls so that they become round and have the size of a hand.

Put balls of the meat mixture onto all the round things.

Put round things on top of all the round things, and put them together.

Put these things into the oven, and bake them until they become golden brown. Then the meat pastries will be ready to be eaten.


n&z "d&4ido: 't4efk"boe)Si4
naz darido trefkbœshir
The way to make meat pastries.

"&pelt je "moe)Su "jilmutomb "himeutomb beb "slu:vutomb beb "gl&utomb beb
apelt ye mœshu yilmutoumb hime'utomb beb sluvutomb beb gla'utomb beb
Make a dough composed of white flour and oil and salt and

"seld&utomb "&mpelt je enil "Zel&m "dirs&m
selda'utomb. ampelt ye enil zhelam dirsam.
water. Put this in another place.

"sketelt je t4efk "d&4idoSt beb "mul:i "te4ek&4t&4 beb "gl&.&4t "til&4t "&k&x&4
sketelt ye trefk daridosht beb mulli terekartar beb glaart tilart akakhar
Cut the cooked meat and the onion, with spices and a little salt, into

small pieces.

"&pelt je moe)Su "4&l:&x&4 "mae)b&4t "klopuz
apelt ye mœshu rallakhar mæbart klopuz.
Make the dough into balls the size of a nut.

's&l&."&pelt je "4&l:&4 "n&zilip u: 'irul"vl&nti4 ji4 beb "wiTiN jir mae)b "etniuz.
salaapelt ye rallar nazilip u irrulvlantir yir beb wiþing yir mæb etniuz.
Flatten the balls so that they become round and have the size of a hand.

"&mpelt je "4&l:&4 't4efk"wo:ldoStutomb "enebg4i&m&4 "irulebg4i&m&4 "suebg4i&m&4
ampelt ye rallar trefkwoldoshtutomb enebgriamar irrulebgriamar suebgriamar.
Put balls of the meat mixture onto all the round things.

"&mpelt je en "irul "enebg4i&m&4 "irulebg4i&m&4 "suebg4i&m&4 beb 'mez:&l"&mpelt
ampelt ye en irrul enebgriamar irrulebgriamar suebgriamar, beb mezzalampelt
Put round things on top of all the round things, and put

je jir
ye yir,
them together.

"&mpelt je "enil&4 "To4g&ip&m beb "d&4idelt je ji4 "h&lb&neb&m u:
ampelt ye enilar þorgaipam, beb daridelt ye yir halbanebam u
Put these things into the oven, and bake them until they become

'il:unt'Si&"vl&ntifoe)4 ji4. "h&lb&nut 'j&4u:"d&hix&4 't4eft"boe)Si4 "treSouf.
illuntshiavlantifœr yir. halbanut yarudahikhar trefkbœshir treshouf.
golden brown. Then the meat pastries will be ready to be eaten.


VSO, agglutinating. Adjectives follow the noun they modify, and agree with them. Compounds are head last, but grammatical affixes are suffixes. Long chains of suffixes are allowed, some of which have rather idiomatic meanings - fell free to ask if there are any you can't work out from context. Predicative adjectives compound with the verb.



naz (n) way, manner
darid- (v) cook
trefk (n) meat
bœshi (n) pastry
ap- (v) make
y + person affix   personal pronoun
mœshu (n) dough
yilm (n) flour
hime (adj) white
beb (conj) and
sluv (n) oil
gla (n) salt
selda (n) water
amp- (v) put
en (n) thing
zhel (n) place
dirs (adj) other
sket- (v) cut
mulli (n) onion
terek (n) spice
til (adj) small quantity
ak (n) part, piece
sing (adj) small
rall (n) ball
mæb (n) size
klop (n) nut
sala (adj) flat
irrul (adj) round
u (conj) such that
vlant- (v) become
wiþ- (v) have
etni (n) hand
wold- (v) mix
su (adj) all
mezzal (adj) together
þorga (n) oven
hal (n) time
illunt (n) gold
shia (adj) brown
yaru (adj) ready
tresh- (v) eat
dah- (v) be



il this
ban that
ut at
eb in contact
art with
ip in
gri above
omb around
am towards
uz of
akh recipient


a 1
e 2
i 3
Past Participle
kh future
uf passive
lt imperative

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June 14th, 2005
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.