Qþyn|gài: A Polysynthetic Language (S7)




To simplify the lexicon, i.e., to make it easy and lightweight, and further to keep the amount of biased entries low, some typical pairs of opposite words describing points on scales, e.g. 'small' and 'large', were collapsed into one stem. The words are then formed by the stem plus a degree. Further, the abstract property, e.g. 'size', is formed by the same stem plus the stem for 'property'.

For this simplification to be allowed for a pair of words, the following requirements must be fulfilled. If any requirement is not met, several stems will be introduced in the lexicon.

  • The scale must have exactly one end-point, the objective 0 of the scale. It must not be a -1...+1 scale. Further, the scale must be open to the other side. Again, this judgement must be made in an objective way.

    Scales with no end-point or two end-points would indirectly incur a bias to the direction of the degree scale, i.e., there would be a bias wrt. what is the -1 and what is the +1 end, while it would be equally feasible to swap the whole degree scale. Therefore, the selection of the lexicon entry would introduce a bias to the lexicon, because the opposite lexicon entry would be equally feasible. To prevent this type of bias, only scales with a clear 0 are permitted, so that swapping the scale is infeasible and there is a clear, objective choice to be made for the lexicon entry.

    In the same way, scales with two end-points are bad for the same reason, since the scale's reference point may be swapped.

    The restriction that there must not be a second end-point shall be less strict than the one-end-point requirement, and shall be made on a human perspective. E.g. speed and weight etc. shall be unlimited scales, for example, although the speed of light exists etc. So the requirement is more of a scale with at least one end-point that is clearly more relevant to human speakers than a potential second end-point.

    Pairs like 'male'-'female' and also 'good'-'bad' clearly fail on this requirement, so for these, there are two lexicon entries (which are not derived one from another).


Qþyn|gài Gloss
s animate
n sentient
nd intelligence
t matter
tr spacetime
x meta
ng liquid
nk solid
k information
ks relation
r orientation
rq give-life
nq dissonance
q harmony
| elements
n| movement
n|g distribution
|k culture
tl body
! comparison
n! extension
n!g value
!k restriction
ql creation
ǂ destruction
nǂg trade
ǂk measure
st family
|| hyper


x, "valence-adj"
root derivational suffix: marks a suffixed case: the valence is changed so that the patient argument takes the role of the marked case
!r, "degree"
root degree
!!k, "number"
root number
!, "a-bit"
?: x->x coarse-grained degree: a bit
!ra, "average"
?: x->x coarse-grained degree: average
!, "very"
?: x->x coarse-grained degree: very
!n/a, "not!"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: absolutely not, axiomatically 0 (very strong: religious, emphatic and colloquial usage)
!ru, "not"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: not, no, zero, 0%
!, "wee-bit"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: a wee bit
!, "a-bit!"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: a bit
!ry, "average!"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: average
!rỳ, "very!"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: very
!x/u, "very-very"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: very, very
!ri, "100%"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: totally, 100%
!k/i, "100%!"
?: x->x fine-grained degree: absolutely, 100%, axiomatically 100% (very strong: religious, emphatic and colloquial usage)
!rau, "unspecified"
?: x->x vague degree: unspecified
!ràu, "expected"
?: x->x vague degree: expected
!ráu, "unexpected"
?: x->x vague degree: unexpected
!rai, "unknown"
?: x->x vague degree: unknown
!rài, "known"
?: x->x vague degree: known; may be further modified with a reference measure that matches the categorie of the head modified with this degree. E.g. 'a pinch of salt' = 'salt amount KNOWN knife head'
!rúi, "distributed"
?: x->x vague degree: (regularly) distributed
!rìu, "regular"
?: x->x vague degree: irregularly distributed
!rái, "one"
?: x->x degree: order one
!ríuʕ/a, "two"
?: x->x degree: order two
!rùi, "three"
?: x->x degree: order three
!!ká, "few"
?: x->x coarse-grained number: a bit, coarse paucal suffix
!!ka, "avg-cnt"
?: x->x coarse-grained number: average, some, coarse oligal suffix
!n!gà, "many"
?: x->x coarse-grained number: many, coarse plural suffix
!!kùn/a, "no!"
?: x->x fine-grained number: absolutely no, subnullar suffix
!!ku, "no"
?: x->x fine-grained number: no, 0, nullar suffix
!!kú, "very-few"
?: x->x fine-grained number: very few, subpaucal suffix
!!ký, "few!"
?: x->x fine-grained number: a few, fine paucal suffix
!!y, "avg-cnt!"
?: x->x fine-grained number: average, some, fine oligal suffix
!!kỳ, "many!"
?: x->x fine-grained number: many, fine plural suffix
!!kíx/u, "very-many"
?: x->x fine-grained number: very many, superplural suffix
!!ki, "all"
?: x->x fine-grained number: all, 100%, omnial suffix
!!kìk/i, "all!"
?: x->x fine-grained number: absof*ckinglutely all, superomnial suffix
!!kau, "collective"
?: x->x vague number: explicitly unspecified number, collective suffix
!n!gàu, "exp-cnt"
?: x->x vague number: expected
!!káu, "unexp-cnt"
?: x->x vague number: unexpected
!!kai, "unkn-cnt"
?: x->x vague number: unknown
!n!gài, "known-cnt"
?: x->x vague number: known
!!kúi, "distributed"
?: x->x vague number: (regularly) distributed
!!kìu, "regular"
?: x->x vague number: irregularly distributed
!!kái, "one"
?: x->x number: one, singular suffix
!!kíuʕ/a, "two"
?: x->x number: two, dual suffix
!!kùi, "three"
?: x->x number: three, trial suffix
xts, "shift"
root root of valence and focus shift markers
xtsu, "pass"
(p): p->a passive valence shift marker: the valence is changed so that the patient becomes the agent (~ passive), a possible agent may be expressed using an agitative case adjunct.
(a,p): a->agi, p->a passive valence shift marker: the valence is changed so that the patient becomes the agent (~ passive), a possible agent may be expressed using an agitative case adjunct.
xtsaʕ/a, "antip"
(a): a->p antipassive valence shift marker: the valence is changed so that the agent becomes the patient (~ antipassive), a possible patient is removed from the argument slot and may be expressed using a SVC with the verb 'do' + patient.
(a,p): a->p, p->svc antipassive valence shift marker: the valence is changed so that the agent becomes the patient (~ antipassive), a possible patient is removed from the argument slot and may be expressed using a SVC with the verb 'do' + patient.
xtsí, "recip"
(): x->x for a relational noun: the _ of each other
(): ()->p for a relational noun: being _ of each other
(a,p): a->(), p->() the _:ing on each other
(a,p): a->(), p->(), ()->p to _ each other
n!q, "abstract"
root abstract
n!, "property"
(p): p->() the abstract property of _
n!, "metaphor"
?: x->x metaphorically _
ǂkt, "size"
root related to size
ǂktáu, "size"
(): x->x of the size of _; with degree: small...large _
ǂk, "high"
(): x->x of the height of _; with degree: flat...high/tall _
ǂk, "deep"
(): x->x of the depth of _; with degree: shallow...deep _
ǂktáu = ǂktáu + n!, "size"
head() size (the concept of size, the abstract property of having a certain size)
ǂktáu, "sized-one"
(): x->x of the size of _; with degree: small...large _
ǂktáu = ǂktáu + !, "small"
head(p) to be small
ǂktáu = ǂktáu + !, "large"
head(p) to be large
ǂktu, "weight"
?: x->x _ of a certain weight
ǂktu = ǂktu + n!, "easy/difficult"
head(p) to be easy or difficult to a certain degree (a degree is usually added to the 'weight' stem)
ǂktu = ǂktu + ! + n!, "difficult"
head(p) to be difficult
ǂktu = ǂktu + ! + n!, "difficult-thing"
head() a difficult thing
ǂktáu, "independence"
?: x->x _ by oneself; _ independently
ǂktáu, "independent"
?: x->x _ by oneself; _ independently
n!gt, "size"
root quality: properties like good, bad, ...
ǂk, "good"
?: x->x _ well; good _
ǂk, "good"
?: x->x bad(ly) _
qlsỳtr, "birth"
root (give) birth
qlst, "make"
root make, create
qlstí, "ripe"
qlsta, "composed"
(): x->x substance of _; that which _ is composed of; the essence of _
qlstìu, "do"
(): ()->a to perform, participate in, do the/a _
(a): a->(), ()->a to perform, participate in, do the/a _
(p): ()->a to perform, participate in, do the/a _
(a,p): a->(), ()->a to perform, participate in, do the/a _
qlstìuqþi = qlstìu + xqþi, "service"
head(a,p) to service
qlstỳ, "use"
?: x->x _ as a tool; with _; using _ (~ instrumental case)
qlstỳ, "be-tool"
?: x->x _ as a tool; with _; using _ (~ instrumental case)
qlstỳ, "tool"
?: x->x _ as a tool; with _; using _ (~ instrumental case)
qlstá, "make"
?: x->x _ in a creative way; _ for creating, crafting
qlstá, "creator"
?: x->x _ in a creative way; _ for creating, crafting
qlstai, "work"
qlstai, "work-at"
qlstai, "worker"
sn|, "person"
root related to persons, humans, sentients
sn|ái, "child"
(): x->x child/young _
sn|ái, "be-child"
(): x->x child/young _
sn|ù, "someone"
(): ()->a (from same stem 'to do'): make (to be) _
(a): a->(), ()->a (from same stem 'to do'): make (to be) _
(p): ()->a (from same stem 'to do'): make (to be) _
(a,p): a->(), ()->a (from same stem 'to do'): make (to be) _
sn|iu, "dem"
?: x->x this, that, yonder _
sn|au, "person"
(a): a->() the one(agent) who _ (for non-human agents, use antipassive + patient derivation of stem 'thing')
(a,p): a->() the one(agent) who _ (for non-human agents, use antipassive + patient derivation of stem 'thing')
sn|au, "be-person"
(a): a->() the one(agent) who _ (for non-human agents, use antipassive + patient derivation of stem 'thing')
(a,p): a->() the one(agent) who _ (for non-human agents, use antipassive + patient derivation of stem 'thing')
xst, "incorp-1"
root marks a suffixed case: an incorporated 1st person adjunct
xxk, "incorp-2"
root derivational suffix: marks a suffixed case: an incorporated 2nd person adjunct
xhh, "incorp-3"
root derivational suffix: marks a suffixed case: an incorporated 3rd person adjunct (known 3rd person)
xtr, "incorp-3no"
root derivational suffix: marks a suffixed case: an incorporated 4th person adjunct (unknown 4rd person)
xsty, "1"
xxky, "2"
xhhy, "3"
xhhyràu = xhhy + !ràu, "3same"
head() he, she, it: known, same reference third person pronoun. May also be used to refer to whole clauses
xhhyráu = xhhy + !ráu, "3other"
head() he, she, it: known, other reference third person pronoun. May also be used to refer to whole clauses
xtry, "3no"
nnq, "aversion"
root aversion
nnqu, "scare"
(): x->x scary _
(): ()->p be scared by _
(): ()->a, ()->p scare with _
snǂg, "small-furry"
root small, furry thing, usually animal
snǂgỳ, "dog"
snǂgỳ, "be-dog"
ql, "fact"
root fact
ndtr, "know"
root knowledge, information
||kx, "belief"
root belief; holy; supernatural
nks, "feel"
root intuition, feeling
ntl, "instinct"
root instinct
nng, "perceive"
root perception, feeling
nr, "experience"
root experience; be sentient
nd||, "conclude"
root conclusion; intelligence
nd||y, "thusly"
?: x->x thus(ly) _
, "hearsay"
root (to come to know by) hearsay, rumors
nngí, "watch"
?: x->x _ in order to perceive/watch
nngì, "regard"
(): ()->a regard as _
qþùi, "got2know"
(): ()->p (accidentally) know _
ndtrùi, "know"
||kxùi, "believe"
qlùi, "fact"
nksùi, "feel"
nngùi, "witness"
(): ()->p to witness _
(p): p->(), ()->p to witness _
(a): ()->p to witness _
(a,p): p->(), ()->p to witness _
(): ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(a): a->(), ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(p): ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(a,p): a->(), ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
nngùi, "think"
(): ()->p to witness _
(p): p->(), ()->p to witness _
(a): ()->p to witness _
(a,p): p->(), ()->p to witness _
(): ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(a): a->(), ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(p): ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
(a,p): a->(), ()->a to be conscious about _: w/ durative aspect: to think about _
nksai, "mean"
nksai, "opinion"
nrùi, "be-involved"
trnd, "aspect"
root related to time structure of an event/state
trndỳ, "to-last"
?: x->x durative aspect
trndỳ, "result"
?: x->x the result of _ (converts a resultative into the result)
trndáu, "be-complete"
?: x->x perfective aspect: the temporal structure of the action considered as a unit
trndài, "exist"
?: x->x manifestational aspect: there is/are _
trndì, "become"
(p): p->a, ()->p inchoative causative: make become _
(): ()->a inchoative causative: make become _
(p): x->x inchoative: become _
(): x->x inchoative: become _
trndì, "make"
(p): p->a, ()->p inchoative causative: make become _
(): ()->a inchoative causative: make become _
(p): x->x inchoative: become _
(): x->x inchoative: become _
trnda, "cause"
(): ()->a resultative causative: to cause to (be a) _ (original agent: agitative adjunct)
(a): a->agi, ()->a resultative causative: to cause to (be a) _ (original agent: agitative adjunct)
(p): ()->a resultative causative: to cause to (be a) _ (original agent: agitative adjunct)
(a,p): a->agi, ()->a resultative causative: to cause to (be a) _ (original agent: agitative adjunct)
(): x->x resultative: for _ to become true
(p): x->x resultative: for _ to become true
qlstíndì = qlstí + trndì, "make-ripe"
head(a,p) to make ripe, to cook, to bake, to prepare
tr||k, "time"
root related to time
tr||káu, "young"
(): x->x young _
sn|ái||káu = sn|ái + tr||káu, "young-child"
head() small/young child; baby
sn|ái||káu = sn|ái + tr||káu + !, "baby"
head() baby
sn|au||káu = sn|au + tr||káu, "young-person"
head() a young person ('young' being relative to age of speaker)
tr||kí, "stop"
(): ()->a stop _
(a): a->(), ()->a stop _
(p): ()->a stop _
(a,p): a->(), ()->a stop _
tr||kì, "past"
?: x->x past tense, ex-_; if this is further modified with a period of time, that period may be modified with an integer degree to indicate how many periods of that time in the past.
tr||kì, "past"
?: x->x past tense, ex-_; if this is further modified with a period of time, that period may be modified with an integer degree to indicate how many periods of that time in the past.
tr||ká, "present"
?: x->x present tense; {if modified by the 100% degree, this time is to be interpretend absolutely, thus not relative to the context}
tr||ká, "present"
?: x->x present tense; {if modified by the 100% degree, this time is to be interpretend absolutely, thus not relative to the context}
tr||kù, "begin"
(): x->x begin _
tr||kú, "future"
?: x->x future tense, will-be-_; if this is further modified with a period of time, that period may be modified with an integer degree to indicate how many periods of that time in the future.
tr||ky, "aorist"
?: x->x aorist tense: timeless: was, is, will be
tr||ký, "event"
?: x->x event of _
tr||kau, "time"
?: x->x time of _
tr||ký, "happen"
?: x->x event of _
tr||kái, "day"
ndhh, "interpret"
root to interpret, to (try to) understand
ndhhak/i, "connote"
?: x->x what _ means; the meaning of _
?: x->x to be the meaning of _
ndhhà, "reason"
ndhhìu, "interpret"
?: x->x _ by interpretation
nngíhhìu = nngí + ndhhìu, "read"
head(a,p) to read; to listen (carefully, in communication); (to examine)
kǂk, "document"
root document, paper/medium containing information
kǂku, "book"
kq, "hide"
root hide; hide-out
k, "hide"
!tl, "unique"
root unique; e.g. in names etc.
!tlù, "name"
(): x->x marks _ as a personal name
ngh, "water"
root water; liquid
ng, "water"
?: x->x liquid _; [fruit,plants] juice of _; [body parts] liquid in/from _; [actions] _ like typically done to liquids
nghài, "oil"
?: x->x oily _; [fruit,plants,nuts...] oil of _
nghi, "hot-water"
?: x->x boiling _; hot _ (for liquids only)
nktl, "metal"
root metal; solid
nktlý, "grind"
?: x->x _ that needs chewing/grinding, is chewed/ground
nghàu, "snow"
(): x->x _ made of snow
ng, "ice"
(): x->x _ made of ice
nghai, "steam"
sn|auhàu = sn|au + nghàu, "snowman"
head() man made of snow: snowman
kshh, "part"
root part-relation, inclusion, exclusion
kshhú, "also"
?: x->x also _
kshhú, "add"
?: x->x also _
kshhau, "like"
?: x->x like _, similar to _
kshhiu, "part"
?: x->x a part of _ (modified by number: n parts of)
kshhiu, "part"
?: x->x a part of _ (modified by number: n parts of)
kshhìu, "head"
?: x->x the point of _
kshhù, "incl"
stem() inclusive(ly) _
?: x->x inclusive(ly) _
kshhí, "excl"
stem() exclusive(ly) _
?: x->x exclusive(ly) _
rq, "abs-orient"
root absolute orientation
rqùi, "north"
?: x->x from the north; in the north; through the north
r|, "rel-orient"
root relative orientation
r|íu, "back"
?: x->x _ back, towards a location/state where it once already was
r|au, "reverse"
?: x->x _ reversed, opposite of _, with 'cause': de_, un_
r|au, "opposite"
?: x->x _ reversed, opposite of _, with 'cause': de_, un_
sn|iu|au = sn|iu + r|au, "opp2this"
head() opposite to this; essive case: instead of this
t||k, "gas"
root gas, air
t||kui, "air"
t||kui, "blow"
t||ký, "wind"
tk, "matter-1"
root certain types of chemicals matter
tkài, "sulphur"
t, "salt"
?: x->x salty _, salted _, _ with salt
k, "colour"
root colour
ky, "colour"
(): x->x the colour of _
kài, "yellow"
(): x->x yellow(ish) _
rq, "feeling"
root related to impressions/feeling of humans or sentients
rqan/a, "impression"
?: x->x to have/make the sensoric impression of _ (_ is an action or a sensor)
?: x->x the sensoric impression of _ (_ is an action or a sensor)
rqtr, "light"
root light, bright; sun; radiation
rqtrà, "sun"
rqtrá, "light"
rqtrá, "bright"
rqtrá, "bright"
rqtrá = rqtrá + !, "bright!"
head(p) very bright
rqtráru = rqtrá + !ru, "dark"
head(p) dark (=not bright)
rqtrá = rqtrá + n!, "brightness"
head() brightness (=property of having a certain brightness)
rqtru, "planet"
?: x->x planetary _; also: profane _
t||kýqùi = t||ký + rqùi, "northwind"
head() wind in/from the north: northwind
nqnq, "disagree"
root disagree, fight, dispute, war
nqnqi, "attack"
?: x->x to attack by (doing) _, (do) _ in order to attack
nqnqiu, "fight"
?: x->x to do _ in an aggressive, fighting way; in order to trigger a fight
nqn!, "unhappy"
root unhappy; angry; bored; (~related to dissonant internal emotional state)
nqn!u, "angry"
(): x->x angry _
nqr, "avoid"
root to avoid; to beware of
nq, "avoid"
nq, "pay-attention"
nq, "attention"
qt, "order"
root order
qtìu, "be-in-order"
qtìu, "order"
qr, "seek"
root to seek, to attract
q, "seek"
q, "look-after"
nq = nq + !, "beware"
head(a,p) to beware of
n|g, "word"
root word
n|gu, "sing"
n|gy, "word"
?: x->x by means of saying _
n|gài, "s7"
n|gy, "talk"
?: x->x by means of saying _
n|gy, "tell"
?: x->x by means of saying _
n|gynqiu = n|gy + nqnqiu, "dispute"
head(a,p) to tell with opposition; [reciprocal:] to dispute, to have an argument
!x, "more"
root much, more, additional; superfluous; wait; delay
!, "disloc"
stem() (prefix: marks adjunct right-dislocation)
?: x->x (prefix: marks adjunct right-dislocation)
!xi, "more"
?: x->x comparatively more (of) _ (than that mentioned before or after)
!, "uncertain"
root uncertain; question
!ái, "question"
!ái, "ask"
!a, "which?"
?: x->x which, who, what: interrogative
trks, "place"
root place, location, space
trksàu, "near"
(): x->x a location near _
(): ()->p be near to _
trksí, "far"
(): x->x (being) far away from _
trksá, "place"
?: x->x location of _
trksì, "room"
(): x->x room/chamber/box where _
(a): a->() room/chamber/box where _
(p): p->() room/chamber/box where _
(a,p): a->(), p->() room/chamber/box where _
trksú, "state"
?: x->x state of _
trksáu, "extension"
?: x->x extension/region/domain/dominion of _
rqt, "power"
root power, strength
rqtiu, "strong"
(): x->x strong _
rqtiu, "strength"
(): x->x strong _
rqta, "emperor"
(): x->x _ over which (someone/AGT) rules; kingdom over _
rqta, "rule"
(): x->x _ over which (someone/AGT) rules; kingdom over _
rqtatáu = rqta + ǂktáu, "rule-by-oneself"
head(a,p) to rule by oneself
rqtatáu = rqta + ǂktáu, "sovereign"
head(a) to be sovereign
rqtatáutsanqý = rqta + ǂktáu + xtsaʕ/a + n!, "sovereignty"
head() sovereignty (abstract property of ruling by oneself)
rqtatáuksáu = rqta + ǂktáu + trksáu, "dominion"
head() dominion, sovereignty (extension/region of ruling by oneself)
rqta!kau = rqta + !!kau, "government"
head() government; 'group of all rulers'
rqql, "ingest"
root eat, drink, food, beverage
rqqla, "ingest"
rqqla = rqqla + ng, "drink"
head(a,p) to drink
rqqla = rqqla + ng, "beverage"
head() (a/the) drink, beverage
rqqlatlý = rqqla + nktlý, "eat"
head(a,p) to eat
rqqlatlý = rqqla + nktlý, "food"
head() food
rqts, "protect"
root to protect
rqtsỳ, "protect"
?: x->x _ for protection, _ in order to protect
n|gt, "distribute"
root distribution, spreading
n|gtui, "over"
(): x->x _ that covers all over
n|g, "shape"
?: x->x the shape of _; the method of doing _
n|g, "dimensional"
(): ()->p be _ dimensional (derivation of numbers)
rqtruhhau = rqtru + n|g + kshhau, "spherical"
head() like a sphere: shaped like a planet
rqtruhhau = rqtru + n|g + kshhau, "sphere"
head() sphere: shaped like a planet
|kn|, "clothes"
root clothes, fabric, adornment
|kn|á, "wear"
(): ()->a to wear _
|kn|átsỳ = |kn|á + rqtsỳ, "wear"
head(a,p) to wear with the purpose of protecting (i.e. 'to wear' for functional clothing, not adornment or jewelry)
|kn|ỳ, "jacket"
|kn|ỳtui = |kn|ỳ + n|gtui, "cloak"
head() cloak; 'a jacket covering all over'
|k||k, "instrument"
root instrument, tool
|k||kùi, "knife"
?: x->x _ by using a knife/by cutting with anything sharp
|k||kùi, "cut"
?: x->x _ by using a knife/by cutting with anything sharp
|k, "fire"
root fire, to be warm, to be hot
|, "warm"
(): x->x warm/cold _; _ having a certain temperature
qlstíndìksì = qlstí + trndì + trksì + |, "oven"
head() oven
qlstíndìksìstỳ = qlstí + trndì + trksì + | + qlstỳ, "bake"
head(a,p) to bake in the oven
n|ǂ, "move"
root movement
n|ǂy, "pull"
?: x->x _ by pulling
n|ǂíu, "push"
?: x->x _ by pressing/pushing
n|ǂai, "throw"
?: x->x _ by throwing
n|ǂu, "move"
?: x->x the moving/coming/going _; _ by moving
n|ǂý, "arrive"
?: x->x arriving at _; resulting in _ (terminative case); the arrival of _
n|ǂáin/a, "go-to"
?: x->x going to _, coming to _, moving to _; to _; in order to _ (allative case)
n|ǂui, "go-through"
?: x->x going through _, coming through _, moving through _; through _; by _ (perlative case)
n|ǂíu, "depart"
?: x->x departing from_, coming from _, from _; by _ (ablative case)
trn|, "out"
root (spacetime relation), in, inside, out, outside, at the side (wrt. space and/or time)
tr|ak/i, "be-at"
(): ()->p to be at _ (~ locative case), PAT=what
(): x->x location of _
tr|ak/i, "location"
(): ()->p to be at _ (~ locative case), PAT=what
(): x->x location of _
n|ǂì, "travel"
tlh, "body"
root body and body parts
tl, "hand-or-foot"
?: x->x manually _; _ with ones hands/feet/paws/claws
tlhài, "eye"
?: x->x visually _; _ with ones eyes
tl, "tongue"
?: x->x _ with ones tongue
tl, "nose"
?: x->x _ with ones nose
tlrqà = tl + rqan/a, "odour"
head() smell, odour
tlrqà = tl + rqan/a, "smell"
head(p) (for s.t.) to smell: as in 'The garlic smells' (without control). Changing the valence to AGT implies control over the smell: 'The person smells(AGT)' => lack of personal hygiene.
tlstỳ = tl + qlstỳ, "smell"
head(a,p) to smell as in 'I smell garlic.': to use one's nose as a tool. The patient may be left out to indicate a general scan of the odours around.
tlhau, "tongue/nose"
?: x->x _ with ones tongue and nose
tlhaurqà = tlhau + rqan/a, "taste"
head(p) (for s.t.) to taste both with tongue and nose: as in 'The food tastes and smells well'. Split-S: may be used with (agt) valence, too.
tlhài = tlhài + ng, "tear"
head() tear: liquid from the eyes
tlhy, "body"
(): x->x of animals, humans: the body of _
tlhysta = tlhy + qlsta, "flesh"
head() flesh; meat
tl, "male"
(): x->x male _
tl, "man"
(): x->x male _
tl, "female"
(): x->x female _
tl, "woman"
(): x->x female _
tlǂu = tl + n|ǂu, "foot"
head() body part: foot
tlstá = tl + qlstá, "hand"
head() body part: hand
n|ǂì = n|ǂì + tl, "walk"
head(a) to walk, 'to travel manually/using hand,foot,paw,claw'
n|ǂìn|au = n|ǂì + tl + sn|au, "pedestrian"
head() pedestrian
!|k, "equal"
root equality, equal, same, identity
!|kà, "equal"
?: x->x (to be of) equal/equally _
nksai|kànda = nksai + !|kà + trnda, "agree"
head(a,p) to convince; to agree (reciprocal); 'about': adjunct in topicative.
|khh, "house"
root house; home; shelter; place for dwelling
|khhá, "house"
?: x->x domestic(ized) _
|khhý, "home"
n!gǂ, "beauty"
root beauty
n!gǂau, "pretty"
(): x->x pretty/nice/beautiful _
?: x->x _ in a pretty/nice/beautiful way
n!gǂau, "beautiful-thing"
(): x->x pretty/nice/beautiful _
?: x->x _ in a pretty/nice/beautiful way
n!gǂau = n!gǂau + n!, "beauty"
head() beauty
rqtráǂau = rqtrá + n!gǂau + !k/i, "glorious"
head(p) glorious
rqtráǂau = rqtrá + n!gǂau + !k/i + n!, "glory"
head() glory
!krq, "ability"
root ability
!kn, "constraint"
root constraint
!k, "constraint"
!k, "constrained"
!k, "constrain"
!k|au = !k + r|au, "free"
head(p) free; unconstrainted
!k|aunda = !k + r|au + trnda, "free"
head(a,p) make free; make unconstrained
!krqý, "able"
?: x->x _ is possible, can be done (like genitive modification with 3p-same agent), a possible _, _-able
n!nd, "wish"
root wish, desire
n!ndá, "want"
?: x->x _ is wanted (by _: causative adjunct)
n!ndá = n!ndá + !x/u, "desire"
head(a,p) A desires P
n!ndá, "shall"
?: x->x _ is wanted (by _: causative adjunct)
!ks, "obligation"
root obligation
!k, "urge"
?: x->x _ needs to happen/is a need/is urged (due to/by _: causative adjunct)
!k, "necessary"
?: x->x _ needs to happen/is a need/is urged (due to/by _: causative adjunct)
!k, "command"
?: x->x _ must happen/is a duty/is ordered (by _: causative adjunct)
!k, "must"
?: x->x _ must happen/is a duty/is ordered (by _: causative adjunct)
!krunda = !k + !ru + trnda, "absolve"
head(a,p) to absolve; to forgive; A causes that P need not be (done)/is not a must/is not in debt
n!gh, "amount"
root something, a bit, much, all, amount
n!ghai, "thing"
(p): p->() something/someone(patient) who (is) _ (for human patients, use passive + agent derivation of stem 'person')
(a,p): p->() something/someone(patient) who (is) _ (for human patients, use passive + agent derivation of stem 'person')
rqqla, "food/beverage"
n!ghui, "some-amount"
n!ghuiri = n!ghui + !ri, "all"
head() all, everything
n, "liking"
root liking
nqþu, "like"
nqþúi, "benevolent"
?: x->x _ for good purposes (benefactive case)
nqþìu, "malevolent"
?: x->x _ for bad purposes (malefactive case)
nqþìu, "evil"
?: x->x _ for bad purposes (malefactive case)
n!ndá, "will"
?: x->x _ is wanted (by _: causative adjunct)
n!ndátsanda = n!ndá + !x/u + xtsaʕ/a + trnda, "tempt"
head(a,p) A causes desire in P; A tempts P (to do ...: SVP with 'to do')
n!ndátsanda||ký = n!ndá + !x/u + xtsaʕ/a + trnda + tr||ký, "temptation"
head() temptation
xhhù, "com-3"
stem() only as derivation: _ with her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in comitative case, like a comitative adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
?: x->x only as derivation: _ with her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in comitative case, like a comitative adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
xhhúi, "ben-3"
stem() only as derivation: _ for her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in benefactive case, like a benefactive adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
?: x->x only as derivation: _ for her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in benefactive case, like a benefactive adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
xhhú, "cau-3"
stem() only as derivation: _ due to/because of her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in causative case, like a causative adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
?: x->x only as derivation: _ due to/because of her/him/it {incorporated anonymous adjunct in causative case, like a causative adjunct on a generic 3p-argument}
nq, "joy"
root joy
nqúi, "play"
nqỳ, "enjoyable"
nqỳndì = nqỳ + trndì, "entertain"
head(a,p) to entertain (~ to make enjoy [things, life])
ǂ||k, "destroy"
root destroy, destruction
ǂ||ká, "destroy"
?: x->x to do _ in order to destroy
n|ǂy||ká = n|ǂy + ǂ||ká, "tear-apart"
head(a,p) to tear apart
n|gkx, "rest"
root rest, remains, things that are left over
n|gkxàu, "remain"
n|gkxàuhai = n|gkxàu + n!ghai, "remains"
head() (the) remains; that which is left over
n|gkxúi, "hole"
n|gkxúingí = n|gkxúi + nngí, "window"
head() window
trn|ì, "out"
?: x->x place,time: (at the) outside of _; notional: apart from doing _
trn|àu, "side"
?: x->x place,time: aside of _; notional: while also (doing) _
trn|àk/i, "on-top"
?: x->x on top of _
trn|y, "center"
?: x->x in the center of _
qtìundìn|aurau = qtìu + trndì + sn|au + !rau, "police"
head() The police
nǂgnq, "possession"
root possession; exchange/change of possession
nǂgnqá, "gift"
(): ()->p get _ (pat=recipient)
(): ()->a, ()->p give _ (pat=recipient, agt=giver)
(): ()->a give away _ (agt=giver)
nǂgnqá, "give"
(): ()->p get _ (pat=recipient)
(): ()->a, ()->p give _ (pat=recipient, agt=giver)
(): ()->a give away _ (agt=giver)
nǂgnqá, "give-to"
(): ()->p get _ (pat=recipient)
(): ()->a, ()->p give _ (pat=recipient, agt=giver)
(): ()->a give away _ (agt=giver)
nǂgnqá|íu = nǂgnqá + r|íu + !k, "owe"
head(a) A must give _ back to P, A owes _ to P
nǂgnqá|íu = nǂgnqá + r|íu + !k, "debt"
head() debt; 'that which must be given back'
nǂgnqá|íun|au = nǂgnqá + r|íu + !k + sn|au, "debtor"
head() debtor; 'the one who has to give something back to s.o.'
nǂgnqán|gy = nǂgnqá + n|gy, "send"
head() to send
xn, "scope"
root concerning the way the following affix binds to the stem, i.e., how it influences the derivation
x, "narrow"
stem() narrow scope: the following suffix only modifies the directly preceding affix.
?: x->x narrow scope: the following suffix only modifies the directly preceding affix.
x, "broad"
stem() broad scope: the following suffix modifies the whole preceding stem.
?: x->x broad scope: the following suffix modifies the whole preceding stem.
ǂkx, "one"
root the number one. Some digits use this.
ǂkxái, "one"
?: x->x one _ (digit suffix)
ǂkxu, "eleven"
?: x->x eleven _ (digit suffix)
ǂk, "two"
root the number two. Some digits divisible use this.
ǂkqþái, "two"
?: x->x two _ (digit suffix)
ǂkqþíuʕ/a, "four"
?: x->x four _ (digit suffix)
ǂkqþùi, "four"
?: x->x six _ (digit suffix)
ǂkqþu, "twelve"
?: x->x twelve _ (digit suffix)
ǂk||k, "three"
root the number three. Some digits divisible use this.
ǂk||kái, "three"
?: x->x three _ (digit suffix)
ǂk||kùi, "nine"
?: x->x nine _ (digit suffix)
ǂk||ku, "thirteen"
?: x->x thirteen _ (digit suffix)
ǂknq, "five"
root the number five. Some digits divisible use this.
ǂknqái, "five"
?: x->x five _ (digit suffix)
ǂknqíuʕ/a, "ten"
?: x->x ten _ (digit suffix)
ǂknqùi, "fifteen"
?: x->x fifteen _ (digit suffix)
ǂkrq, "seven"
root the number seven. Some digits divisible use this.
ǂkrqái, "seven"
?: x->x seven _ (digit suffix)
ǂkrqíuʕ/a, "fourteen"
?: x->x fourteen _ (digit suffix)
ǂkks, "eight"
root the number eight. Some digits divisible use this.
ǂkksái, "eight"
?: x->x eight _ (digit suffix)
ǂkksíuʕ/a, "sixteen"
?: x->x fourteen _ (digit suffix)
ǂkksu, "zero"
?: x->x zero _ (digit suffix)
stǂk, "family"
root family
stǂkau, "family"
(): x->x family, clan of _
stǂkíx/u, "parent"
(): x->x parent of _
stǂkú, "offspring"
(): x->x offspring, child of _
stǂka, "spouse"
(): x->x spouse of _
rqql, "living"
root living, place of living, world, air (used for living), water (used for living)
rqqlùʕ/a, "life"
?: x->x living/life-causing _
rqqluin/a, "plant"
(a): a->() the plant being used for/causing _
(a,p): a->() the plant being used for/causing _
tlhàindaqlùi = tlhài + ng + trnda + rqqluin/a, "onion"
head() onion
rqqlùʕ/a, "be-living"
?: x->x living/life-causing _
rqqlùndỳ = rqqlùʕ/a + trndỳ, "live"
head(p) live (durative)
rqqlùn||gyhhai = rqqlùʕ/a + tr||ky + ndhhak/i, "meaning-of-life"
head() meaning of life
rqqlùn||gyhhaingùindỳ = rqqlùʕ/a + tr||ky + ndhhak/i + nngùi + trndỳ, "to-philosoph"
head(a) to philosoph, to think about the meaning of (the timeless concept of) life
rqqlùn||gyhhaingùindỳn|au = rqqlùʕ/a + tr||ky + ndhhak/i + nngùi + trndỳ + sn|au, "philosopher"
head() philosopher
rqqlùn||gyhhaingùindỳn|au = rqqlùʕ/a + tr||ky + ndhhak/i + nngùi + trndỳ + sn|au, "be-philosopher"
head(p) to be a philosopher
rqqlái, "land"
(): x->x land of _, land where _ is
rqqláista = rqqlái + qlsta, "soil"
head() soil, that of which land is composed
rqqláistaky = rqqlái + qlsta + ky, "brown"
head() brown
rqqláita = rqqlái + rqta, "kingdom"
head() kingdom; reign; empire; state
rqqlái!kau = rqqlái + !!kau, "world"
head() the world; 'the landhood'
rqqláitru = rqqlái + rqtru, "earth"
head() earth (planetary/profane land)
rqqly, "grain"
(): x->x _ made of grain
rqqlyqlù = rqqly + rqqlùʕ/a, "seed"
head() seed, semen, sperm
rqqlaqly = rqqla + rqqly, "bread"
head() bread
rqqlaqlysta = rqqla + rqqly + qlsta, "dough"
head() dough, 'substance of which bread consists'
||s, "transcendental"
root transcendental
||sai, "transcendental"
(): x->x transcendental _
||x, "divine"
root god, divine
||xáu, "god"
(): x->x divine _
?: x->x _ in a divine way; for a divine purpose
||xáu, "divine"
(): x->x divine _
?: x->x _ in a divine way; for a divine purpose
||xáuksàu = ||xáu + trksàu, "holy"
head(p) holy, near god
||xáuǂíu = ||xáu + n|ǂíu, "holy"
head(p) holy, from god
qlstỳxáuqþúihhí = qlstỳ + ||xáu + nqþúi + kshhí, "holy"
head(p) holy, for benevolent divine usage only
qlstỳqþìu = qlstỳ + nqþìu, "misuse"
head(a,p) misuse
||xáuqlái = ||xáu + rqqlái, "heaven"
head() heaven (~ land/world of god)
rqqlytlý = rqqly + nktlý, "flour"
head() flour, ground grain
rqqlùihài = rqqluin/a + nghài, "veg.-oil"
head() vegetable oil, oil from plants
nghihhau = nghi + kshhau, "be-boiling"
head(p) to be boiling
nghihhaundì = nghi + kshhau + trndì, "boil"
head(a,p) to boil, to cook
tr|aita = tr|ak/i + trnda, "put"
head(a,p) to put (AGT=causer, PAT=destination, TOP=what)
trn|àu|aita = trn|àu + tr|ak/i + trnda, "put-aside"
head(a,p) to put/set aside (AGT=causer, PAT=what)
n|ǂuitsíndì = n|ǂui + xtsí + trndì, "to-mix"
head(a,p) to mix (inchoative): to work towards going through one-another
n|ǂuitsínda = n|ǂui + xtsí + trnda, "to-mix"
head(a,p) to mix (resultative): to cause to be going through one-another
n|ǂuitsíndì = n|ǂui + xtsí + trndì + tl, "knead"
head(a,p) to knead, to mix with ones hands
trn|àitsíndì = trn|àk/i + xtsí + trndì, "to-fold"
head(a,p) to fold; to put onto each other: to work towards being on top of each other (NOTE: inchoative, not resultative, ie, this denotes the action)
ǂk = ǂk + !, "flat"
head(p) be flat
ǂkndì = ǂk + ! + trndì, "flat"
head(a,p) to flatten; very vague: there are many ways to make things flat.
ǂkndì||kùi = ǂk + ! + trndì + |k||kùi, "slice"
head(a,p) to slice: make flat by cutting with a knive
tlhaurqàndatsahai = tlhau + rqan/a + trnda + xtsaʕ/a + n!ghai, "spice"
head() spice: thing that causes taste (=sensoric impressions of tongue and nose)
May 16th, 2011
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.